Members of the Month: November 2018

October 19, 2021
Members of the Month: November 2018

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Rob Leuck has been a member of enduraLAB for nearly four years. He came to the LAB looking for more than a gym, he wanted a community and programming that would take his fitness to the next level. Not only has Rob been able to achieve his fitness goals while continuing to set new targets, he also found a positive environment that allows members to reach their fitness goals in a healthy and responsible manner. Rob’s current goals are to get his bench press over 200 and push his deadlift to 350-pounds.

What brought you to enduraLAB in the first place? When I moved to Fort Worth four years ago, I was looking for something more than a gym. I wanted a fitness community that would challenge me and push my fitness level in a responsible way within in a positive environment. In enduraLAB I have found exactly that.

What was your first impression? How has that changed? Coming from a CrossFit environment my first impression was that enduraLAB was able to give me the same types of hard, challenging workouts, but without some of the ridiculous cultural aspects of CrossFit. It really seemed like a much healthier culture.

What was your first breakthrough moment? My first breakthrough moment was when I was finally able to get over the hump on my deadlift goal. I had been stuck around 270-pounds for years, but thanks to some great coaching, a lot of reps, and a lot of encouragement I was able to jump from 270 to 325-pounds in one strength cycle.

What are your current goals at the LAB? My current goals are to get my bench press over 200 and to push my deadlift to 350-pounds.

What’s your favorite enduraLAB memory? My favorite memory is being on a long row relay with Ashley Mazur. As I was about to finish my last set I hear her say behind me, “Almost finished baby cakes!” I didn’t realize that she was talking to her son who had unbeknownst to me walked up on her, and not me, until I got off the erg.

What advice do you have for anyone thinking about starting at enduraLAB? My advice to anyone looking to try enduraLAB is to take that first step and come to a class. Yes, you will be sore, yes it will be hard, but you keep going and that soreness will turn to strength, what was hard will get easier, and you will achieve strength and endurance that will exceed what you thought you could do.

What is your favorite movement/lift? Least favorite? My favorite movement, pull ups. My least favorite are rack holds.

Favorite restaurant/bar in Fort Worth? My favorite restaurant in Fort Worth is Tokyo Cafe. My favorite bar, The Usual.

Favorite workout song? Favorite workout song is Gold On the Ceiling by The Black Keys.

Where did you go to college? TCU!

Cami Bjorklund has been one of our LAB favorites for quite some time. She came to enduraLAB nearly six years ago after doing a little research on the top-rated gyms in the city. She was a little intimidated at first but loved the camaraderie of everyone working out together, which instantly made her feel more at home. In addition to the awesome programming, Cami loves the annual LAB events whether it’s the ladies brunch, annual holiday party or the Run to the Tree. Her advice to anyone thinking about starting at enduraLAB is that it’s never too late! Once your body gets used to the movements, it’s the best investment of your time and money. Cami says that coming to the gym is still one of the best decisions she’s ever made. She even met her now husband at the LAB, so that’s a big plus!

What brought you to enduraLAB in the first place? I went to a friend’s CrossFIT competition and was inspired at how hard everyone pushed themselves to their limits and thought, hmm, I would love to try something like that. So I searched gyms in Fort Worth and enduraLAB was top rated!

What was your first impression? How has that changed? I was a little intimidated first walking in, but I liked the camaraderie of everyone working out together. As soon as I met a few people, my jitters went away and I felt like part of the family.

What was your first breakthrough moment? I remember one particular workout with Coach Isis where I was the only client in her class. She pushed me so hard that I had to pull my car over in the alley afterward; I almost got sick. That day made me realize that I can get through any workout, and I can push my body to limits and goals that I really never imagined.

What are your current goals at the LAB? I would like to reach 150-pounds on bench press and continue to make six workouts a week now that I’m an old married lady.

What’s your favorite enduraLAB memory? I love pretty much all the events the staff puts on including the ladies brunches, annual holiday party, the Run to the Tree and, of course, the Turkey Trot.

What advice do you have for anyone thinking about starting at enduraLAB? It’s never too late to start. The first month or two are hell, but once your body gets used to the movements and workouts it’s the best investment of your time, money and future health. After more than six years at the LAB, coming to the gym is still one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. And I met my now husband here, so that’s a big plus too!

What is your favorite movement/lift? Least favorite? My favorite movement is the overhead squat. Least favorite are the power snatch and thrusters.

Favorite restaurant/bar in Fort Worth? Fireside Pies.

Favorite workout song/music? Coach Staci and Coach Mark’s playlists.

Where did you go to college? Angelo State University.

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