Meet the Intern: Chris Harris

October 19, 2021
Meet the Intern: Chris Harris

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Where are you originally from? Chicago, Illinois 

Where do you attend school? What was your major? I’m at TCU majoring in Kinesiology (Health & Fitness).  

What do you hope to do when you graduate? I plan to establish a training facility that focuses on endurance sport-specific performance for young athletes. 

What athletics did/do you participate in? In high school, I played basketball and was on the wrestling team. I still play basketball and workout for fun. 

Favorite charity? My favorite place to volunteer was Aunt Martha’s in Chicago Heights, Illinois.  I worked with children in a classroom setting. The other supervisors and I provided snacks, read stories and played games with the kids.

Current Netflix binge? I love Stranger Things and 13 Reasons Why! My favorite books are The Outsiders, The Sun Also Rises and A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Inspiration? My parents have been my biggest motivators throughout my life, regardless of my choices. Their endless support allows me to stay passionate about things I love such as working out, playing sports, assisting those in need and playing musical instruments.

How do you plan to keep clients motivated? I believe the best way to keep someone motivated is through being able to relate to their experience.  If I can relate with clients and share a piece of my life which has kept me going, then they will take more pride in their talents and capabilities.

How did you come across enduraLAB? My supervisor within the Kinesiology Department at TCU recommended the training facility.  So I researched the site, and fell in love with the overall purpose and theme.

What are your qualifications as an intern? I have personal trained young athletes in basketball over four years. I have also taught those athletes about proper nutritional habits within a classroom setting.

Best restaurant in Fort Worth? Woodshed Smokehouse

What workouts do you enjoy? Least favorite workouts? My favorite muscles to work are triceps. I don't have a least favorite workout. 

Favorite workout song? Eye of the Tiger by Survivor

What are two things on your bucket list? To become fluent in Spanish and travel to El Salvador.

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