I came to enduraLAB in November of 2019. I was looking for a program that could help me improve my endurance capabilities. I also thought I could benefit from the intelligent strength and conditioning program we follow here. My main goal was to improve my cardiovascular endurance. So far, I’ve seen improvement in my cardiovascular endurance and an increase in lean muscle mass. The programming has been amazing at tackling both areas consistently and having a variety of focuses. I believe I have a solid foundation and I am looking forward to inevitable improvements. In the future, I hope to fine tune my running ability and work on power cleans and hang power cleans. I look forward to continuing to increase the weight in those two movements. Also, I will win the fight against the bikeERG in those workouts!
My favorite event at enduraLAB was the Night of the Living Deadlift in October. I enjoyed the costumes, heavy weights, and the great company! I can’t wait to keep beating PRs, especially in this event. To anyone thinking about joining enduraLAB, here’s my advice: Push your limits, don’t be afraid of heavy weights, and focus on results over time instead of immediate results. If you trust the coaches and attend on a consistent basis, improvements will come.
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