We’ve known Tammy for a long time, running into each other through lululemon community events. She had always worked out in her own capacity and is an athlete through and through. But, when she committed to doing the Disney Dopey Challenge with her brother, she knew she needed some serious training and it was time to officially join enduraLAB. For those of you that don’t know, the Dopey Challenge is a 5k, 10k, half marathon and marathon all within 4 days. It’s definitely a “magical” challenge. 🙂
Read more about Tammy below.
What brought you to enduraLAB to train for your big event?
I had the opportunity to workout with Lee at a couple events years ago, and have always loved and respected Enduralab. But for my first marathon and Dopey Challenge, I started asking around for coaches that made an impact on fellow runner’s training and lives. The responses I got to reach out to Isis and Enduralab far outnumbered other run coaching in the area!
What did your workout routine look like before joining the LAB?
After having my daughter, and jumping back in to a full-time healthcare position, I had seriously lost myself and and any routine I had. I signed up for this race to give myself a challenge, but was continuing to injure myself because I was missing some fundamental components.
What healthy changes have you made since joining the LAB?
Since joining the Lab, I find myself making healthier decisions throughout my day, sticking to a consistent run schedule to get better, and making time to move everyday.
Tell us what you do outside of the LAB?
I am a Full Time Travel Agent, part time recovery specialist for Airrosti Rehab Centers, and Full Time mom. I love to travel, go on walks with my family, swing a kettlebell, dance in the kitchen, and sing in the car.
How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? Brag a little.
I ran a freaking marathon! Actually, I ran a 5k, 10k, half marathon and marathon all within 4 days! I have never been that conditioned in my life.
What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next 6 months?
Now that the Walt Disney World Dopey Challenge is done, I do want to keep running consistently. But in introducing a strength routine back in to my schedule… I think my goals are in that. I don’t know what that looks like yet. But I know I find joy in it.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to do the Disney races?
Oh so many things!
First, do it! RunDisney races are unlike any other race I have taken on. Where else do they set off fireworks for ever corral? They just go all out.
But the biggest advice I can give is don’t take yourself too seriously! Dress up, stop for character photos, dance to the music, and remember you are in the Magical Place on Earth!
Also read the top ten things she learned about running the Dopey Challenge: https://howfarillgotravel.com/?p=849&fbclid=IwAR0mJrq7KNAHbVQAmhckPGdBdmLJ9O9C4j8CDWv_eAvkgav7I7syBlmbrWs