What brought you to enduraLAB? My wife Selena. She had been asking me to join for years but I couldn’t fit it in my schedule.
What did your workout routine look like before joining the LAB? Lifting with a pull/push workout routine and treadmill/elliptical 3-4x/wk, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 4-5x/wk
What healthy changes have you made since joining the LAB? Eating breakfast. I used to skip breakfast but since I usually go to the noon class, I need the fuel.
Tell us what you do outside of the LAB? I am a Subcontract Administrator for a company in Aviation, and I also teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to kids and adults.
How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? Brag a little. My weight lifting technique has improved. For example, in the past, I would be afraid to do any sort of deadlift. I would have issues with my lower back for weeks anytime I attempted it. Not the case anymore!
What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next 6 months? I want to lose body fat while maintaining the same strength.
What is your favorite enduraLAB event or program? I love the bench press. It is the only exercise I am able to go heavier because it doesn’t involve my lower back.
What advice would you have for a new person starting at enduraLAB? Don’t look at the workout beforehand, you will build it up and psych yourself out before you even get there. Just show up and put in the work.
Favorite cheat meal/restaurant in D/FW? Gloria’s Super Special from Gloria’s off of 7th.
Current read / podcast? Don’t have one but I sometimes listen to the Joe Rogan Podcast.
Pump up song? When I Grow Up by NF
Any final words or thoughts? If you want to improve all aspects of your strength & fitness levels, this is the place. The workouts are also structured around the safety of members and coaches always work with you if there is something you can’t do.