What brought you into enduraLAB in the first place? I was tired of going to one of those big name gyms and having to figure out my workout along with fighting for space. It’s no fun to know that if you go to the gym at 5:00 PM, knowing it’s going to be packed and you can’t get a decent workout in. I knew about enduraLAB when I was at my old apartment off 7th Street, and looked them up when I was ready for a change. I liked how it was balance of endurance and strength. After I did my first couple of classes . . . I knew I found my gym.
Tell us about your LAB experience before / after baby? I am very thankful that I have a gym where I felt comfortable working out in during my pregnancy. Coaches would modify workouts for me and my fellow el athletes are just great! It definitely helped me in feeling good during my pregnancy. After the baby, getting back into shape has been a humbling experience. I am a competitive person, so I have been trying to give myself grace. I appreciate the coaches helping guide me on getting back to my normal caliber.
What healthy changes have you made since pregnancy? The two biggest ones are – 1) Drinking enough water and 2) Eating vegetables. I am really bad about drinking enough water, especially when I’m at the office. I’ll turn around and it’s 2 o’clock and all I’ve had is coffee. So now I carry around a big canteen with me to help remind me to drink water. In addition to drinking more water, I am making sure I eat more vegetables. When you are providing food for someone else, you make sure that you are getting all your daily essentials so they will have a well balance meal.
Tell us what you do outside of the LAB? I work for a Pharmacy Software Development company here in Fort Worth. I am in Sales & Account Management for our clinical platform application.
How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? My rowing form has improved a lot, thanks Coach Mark, and has helped me feel more confident in rowing workouts at the LAB.
What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next 6 months? Since giving birth to our first child in January (born on New Years Day!) for some motivation I signed up for a half-marathon in mid-July. It’s the Napa to Sonoma Half-Marathon . . . I’m so excited and nervous.
If there was a workout named after you, what would it consist of? It would be called THE MARGO and it would consist of rowing, running, power cleans, slam balls and thrusters.
What is your favorite enduraLAB event? The Memorial Day Murph!
What advice would you have for a new person starting at enduraLAB? Don’t feel overwhelmed. Everyone starts somewhere and everyone has different fitness levels. Focus on yourself and your goal. YOU DO YOU!
Favorite cheat meal/restaurant in D/FW? Nachos from Enchiladas Ole’s are da bomb dot com! Big enough to share. If you haven’t been here before, then you got to go! Everything is delicious . . . nachos are just my favorite.
Current read / podcast? Book: Twelve hours’ sleep by 12 weeks old: a step by step plan for baby sleep success (wish me luck! lol). Podcast – Wine for Normal People… I have no aspirations to become a wine sommelier or anything like that. I just enjoy learning about wine.
Where did you go to college? Tarleton State University . . . Go Texans!