Have you ever taken a road trip and when you finally get to your destination, it’s like your body is mad at you when you finally get out of the car? You are stiff, your hips are locked up, and you end up shuffling like Frankenstein across the parking lot before you can move freely again?
The same thing can happen if you sit all day at work. Except not only do your hips and back feel locked, but also your shoulders and neck.
If this is something that happens on a regular basis, it can land you in a no-win cycle of aches, pains and maybe even injury. Over time, this can put some real limits on your lifestyle and even your health!
The good news is that there are some SIMPLE things you can do to break the cycle (and even avoid it in the first place).
Here are a few quick ways to get the job done:
- MOVE EVERY HOUR. Every hour stand up and move around for a few minutes. Set a timer to make this happen. If you’re on a road trip, take a little walk during rest stops.
- FOAM ROLL. Use a foam roller to loosen up tight spots. Gently roll any trouble spots to help break up knots.
- Need a few pointers? Take a minute to download our Foam Rolling Guide.
- STRETCH. Your hip flexors can get super tight when you sit a lot. This can cause a chain reaction in your other muscles, making them get tighter or weaker. Keeping them flexible now can help you avoid injury in the future.
- Have you tried ENDURABILITY with Coach Roman on Fridays at 6:00 AM. This is an exceptional program designed to increase mobility, release tension and relieve soreness.
- BE MORE ACTIVE. When you’re not sitting, find ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. Exercise, take regular walks, take the stairs, park farther away, and find excuses to move! Not only will this give those tight muscles a break, it will help keep your metabolism revved!
Try doing these four things every day for one week and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel!
Give it a try and let us know how it goes! Our door is always open!!