It’s Holiday time, which means cookies and treats galore! Those tend to throw us off our nutrition, so we created a healthier version of a delicious treat. Introducing Yogurt Bark! This bark is protein packed and can be totally customized to add the flavors you crave. Check it out down below!
We love plain greek yogurt because it is so versatile and packs a punch when it comes to protein. You can make dressings, desserts and more. Today, we are using it to make great frozen yogurt bark that you can dress up with any toppings you choose!
Here are the ingredients I used that I had on hand. Feel free to create your own combinations!
Plain Greek yogurt
Gluten free pretzels
Dark chocolate
Strawberry jam
- Place 3 cups of plain yogurt on a large rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Make this as thin as possible… eating thick frozen yogurt may hurt the teeth a little. Swirl or sprinkle toppings on as desired.
- Freeze until solid, at least 3 hours. Cut or break the bark into pieces and eat immediately or freeze, airtight, for up to 3 months.
Enjoy this easy and delicious treat! I can’t wait to hear how you make it your own!
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