What brought you into enduraLAB in the first place? I wanted accountability and a network of coaches who had experience in getting athletes trained in goals I wanted to accomplish. I’m a huge believer in leveraging other people’s time/experience to help save time and ease the learning curve. I also wanted to consistently add an upper body component to my fitness routine.
How did you workout before joining the LAB? I played soccer 2-3 times per week and ran some. There were little to no upper body workouts.
What healthy changes have you made since joining? I’m better at listening to my body. I pay a lot more attention to what I eat and really evaluate whether it’s worth it or not (I do love sweets!). I practice intermittent fasting most days and have done a few juice cleanses as well.
Tell us what you do outside of the LAB? I raise funds and purchase apartment buildings. I have an education platform. I also work part time at Lockheed as an engineer two days a week.
How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? My son says I am sort of ripped (ha-ha). I’ve definitely had a lot of compliments from friends that I haven’t seen in person since joining the LAB. My run times have improved with the Run Club. My upper body is definitely stronger; I struggled to do more than three pull ups before joining the LAB. And although I have never been much of a weightlifter, I was able to PR with a 305-pound deadlift. I’m a speed guy so I was happy with it, but now want to hit 400-pounds!
What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next 6 months? I’ve had injury issues that I’m working on but would like to knock out my sub 5-minute mile.
What is your favorite enduraLAB workout? I joined for the bodyweight workouts, but really like both the Strength + Conditioning and eL FIT workouts.
What have you learned about yourself over this past month? This isn’t new to me, but happy with how quickly I can adapt to a new situation.
What advice would you have for a new person starting at enduraLAB? Be patient and go slowly. Life is a marathon.
Favorite cheat meal/restaurant in D/FW? I love ice cream and anything coconut!
Current read / podcast? Just finished Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday. Sooooo good!
Where did you go to college? UT Austin, Hook’em Horns!