What brought you to enduraLAB? After quarantine, the yoga studio that I used to go to closed, and I was looking at other places to stay active. I did not want to join a gym where they had only cardio machines because I was more interested in bootcamp classes. I came across enduraLAB while looking for gyms and decided to take a gym tour, and I instantly felt like I could become a member. I love the workouts everyday!
What did your workout routine look like before joining the LAB? I did not have a workout routine before joining the LAB. I tried staying active by joining my school’s recreational tennis team and by doing some yoga classes. Nothing was ever really consistent when it came to “working out.” Now, I am at the gym five to six days a week and I do not plan on stopping.
What healthy changes have you made since joining the LAB? Since joining the LAB, it’s been a challenge for me to stop eating out. So I decided to just change what I was eating at restaurants. I love eating lunch with my friends, and getting dinner with my family, but now instead of ordering whatever sounds good, I look at my options and I substitute for better meals.
Tell us what you do outside of the LAB? Outside of the LAB I’m a UNT full time student. I only have one more year of undergrad classes and I’ll be graduating with a Psychology major and a Spanish minor with a Professional Spanish certificate. My dream is to become a Neuropsychologist and work with children at detention centers.
How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? Brag a little. Since joining the LAB I feel like I’ve grown more out of my comfort zone. It is really hard for me to make friends and to just put myself out there. I’ve seen little changes in me, mentally and physically.
What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next 6 months? For the next six months I plan on becoming a better athlete. I want to become stronger and faster. I really need to work on my hang power cleans and I’ve been trying to run every day on my own time when I can.
What is your favorite enduraLAB event or program? My favorite enduraLAB program is the NutritionLab program. When I first started I was not in my best shape, now I’m working on myself and I love to see the other people doing the same. Seeing the other people’s progress also encourages me to do better. It’s fun watching the other people’s Marco Polo videos and seeing them be creative with their meals. So fun!
What advice would you have for a new person starting at enduraLAB? I’d say that enduraLAB is a place to feel safe. You don’t have to worry about being judged or worry about being called out. This place is the best place to work out! Everyone is super friendly, the coaches are super helpful and you can join a numerous amount of events or fun challenges. Coming here won’t feel like a chore or just another day of working out; you’re going to love it!
Favorite cheat meal/restaurant in D/FW? My favorite restaurants for cheat meals are Pluckers and Hanabi Ramen. It really depends on my mood and my day to determine which restaurant.
Current read / podcast? Currently I’m reading Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer (#TeamEdward) and my favorite Podcast is Fake Doctors, Real Friends with Zach and Donald. It’s super hilarious and they go over my favorite comedy medical show, Scrubs.
Pump up song? Anything with Bad Bunny or Daddy Yankee is my pump up song.
Any final words or thoughts? I just wanted to give a shout out to Coach Roman and Coach Isis! They have both been a huge part of my growth and involvement at the gym. They have taught me to not be discouraged and to not give up on myself. Everything is a process, and it takes time to get used to certain movements and workouts. They are both super patient with the gym members and super fun to talk to.