Last week, over 20 enduraLAB athletes (plus some family and friends) traveled to Buena Vista, Colorado for a week of hiking, running, exploring, rafting, and even a little relaxing.
At the beginning of the week, 17 athletes summited Mount Shavano, a 14er near Salida, Colorado. After a steep hike and scrambling, the views were incredible.

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We explored surrounding mountain towns and enjoyed each other’s company while we took a break from the “real world.” We visited Breckenridge, Aspen, Salida, Twin Lakes, and Leadville to eat, shop, pick up race packets, and hike.

On Thursday, our athletes hopped into Browns Canyon Rafting for some Class III White Water Rafting which was TONS of fun.

Our grand finale was the Leadville Heavy Half and Full Trail Marathon on Saturday. We had 5 athletes sign up for the full and 5 sign up for the half. All 10 runners crushed the race! The Leadville Race Series is known as the hardest and highest race series in the country, and we are so proud of everyone for accomplishing their goals.

We have some Trip Highlights below:
Stephanie Brentlinger
How are you feeling post race (or hike)? Great! Was super excited before the trip and think I may be even more excited after! Ready to go back!
How do you think YOU did? I fell short of my personal goal, which I view as a challenge for my next trip.
What went right? I felt well-prepared and well-educated for my first 14er. I would not have had as much confidence without support from my EnduraLAB family.
When is your next race? Dallas Ruck Marathon in October.
What was your highlight of the trip? We had such a great week in Colorado and I am so proud of those who ran Leadville.
Kelly Phillips
How are you feeling post race (or hike)? I feel awesome. I was not sore at all and no pain in my knees or glutes.
How do you think YOU did? I am happy with my result; although I would have liked to clock closer to 4:30. I think I could have gone a little faster on the way up – I wonder if having poles going up would have been helpful?
What went right? Definitely pre-race training was good – I know all the leg blasters and runners strength workouts helped me feel super strong. My legs never got tired. Main issue was just cardio on the way up. Hydration and nutrition were great – no issues with either. I felt rested and ready on race day.
Where does this race fit in your overall goals for 2021? I don’t have any specific goals for 2021… this was on my calendar for 2020 so I’m just glad we got to do it all together!
How did you stay motivated when you didn’t want to run? I just told myself that I didn’t have to run – I could stop and rest and basically just keep moving forward – be it a run or fast walk. I didn’t ever hit any kind of wall or place that I felt like I wanted to stop or give up. I was definitely ready for the race to be over, though, towards the end because it was getting so hot.
Who is in your running support network? Brian is my biggest cheerleader and I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without his support so I would say he is at the TOP of my running support network.
WHITNEY! I LOVE that Whitney has embraced running and rucking, etc., and that we are more or less the same pace which makes it fun for all the training runs and workouts. Elizabeth, Debra, Erin, John, Lisa B., Matt, Lane, and OF COURSE: LEE. Lee brings the magic to all the training in his own “chill” way! It’s amazing how motivating a great community can be – ANYTHING is possible if you set your mind to it and WANT to accomplish it! I love all the crazy challenges we are all coming up with – it’s so fun to support everyone on their journeys. Benton and Whit are my number one hiking buddies!
When is your next race? Ragnar? October 2021
What was your highlight of the trip? Both 14ers + Race Day… can’t decide between Tuesday and Saturday!
Erin Peick
How are you feeling post race (or hike)? I feel great. I’m still riding the cloud 9 that was last week. I have been wondering what to do now – what’s going to be my goal? I don’t know yet.
How do you think YOU did? I’m OK with how I did. I’m happy I finished Leadville in under 5 hours. I’d always like to be faster – I don’t think that will ever change.
What went right? Everything went right. I did a good job keeping up with hydration and nutrition. I never felt any altitude issues.
Where does this race fit in your overall goals for 2021? It was my first trail race. I’d like to do more as a group or maybe with just a couple friends, but I’m not sure what’s out there.
How did you stay motivated when you didn’t want to run? I stayed motivated during training because I had a plan to follow. As long as I have a training plan, I’m good. It’s when there’s nothing to follow that I lose motivation.
Who is in your running support network? Everyone in Run at the Lab.
When is your next race? I don’t have one planned. I’d like to, though!
What was your highlight of the trip? The highlight for me was completing Leadville, especially after my river raft injury. Flying down that mountain was a great feeling. Seeing everyone else complete the race was great, too. I loved spending time with everyone hiking, running, eating dinner, etc. I feel very fortunate to have been a part of it. It was a challenging, exhilarating, and humbling experience – one that I won’t forget.
Debra Hale
How are you feeling post race (or hike)? Pretty good. Sore but in the right places lol
How do you think YOU did? I finished and that was the goal so I did great.
What went right? Everything came together. I had two weeks of rest before the week in Colorado. I think this ended up being the most beneficial.
Where does this race fit in your overall goals for 2021? Maintain this fitness level for endurance and keep working to get stronger
How did you stay motivated when you didn’t want to run? I had a mantra for this race. I dedicated my run to a friend’s daughter who is very ill. When I struggled I recanted to myself this race, I dedicated to the glory of God and her healing.
Who is in your running support network? All the gang in the run group!
When is your next race? I’m not sure yet; it might be a bike ride- Hotter than Hell.
What was your highlight of the trip? Getting to the top of both of those mountains!!!
Michael Norris
How are you feeling post race (or hike)? My calves were a little tight but I feel good.
How do you think YOU did? I did not have a good run but i also didn’t train as much as i should have.
What went right? My legs felt great during the first portion of the race. My lungs went away when i hit elevation and coming home was a struggle.
Where does this race fit in your overall goals for 2021? Just getting ready for ruck championships in November with Lee.
How did you stay motivated when you didn’t want to run? I don’t stop. I don’t care if my legs were shattered. I don’t stop.
Who is in your running support network? EnduraLAB run crew. My son.
When is your next race? Ragnar in October, then the Rucking World Championships in November.
What was your highlight of the trip? Whitewater rafting, being in Colorado, running Leadville, the views, running in with John and my son, having the support at the finish line from the whole EnduraLAB crew.
If you have any questions or want to hear more about our adventures, let us know! Stay tuned for our next adventure in January to the Happiest Place on Earth!!!